sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2024

Crafting Future Scenarios with the Help of AI - Roland M. Mueller, Katja Thoring at al.

Developing future research poses some problems, including the fact that you don't have the users for manymuch the technology you want to produce. Research questions: Goals: provide AI assistance to future scenario development; AI assistance with scenario rating; AI assisatance with Qualitative Feedback, AI assistance with scenario iterations etc. - Can we democratize access to collective expert knoweldge through Generative AI? - Can we expand the established - Can we build human twins to Project called: Delphi Study Experiment 1: They developed 23 future scenarios using a panel of experts: people from different non-AI fields, such as science fiction authors, business people. And they conmpared that with the ideas of the people in the AI research field. E.g. of solution of the painel of experts: Digital Detox Zone (a place in the office which is not digitally supported) Experiment 2: compare the Human expers and AI experts with a Digital Twin. In short, it does not work yet. Paper to read: Designing the Future With the “Delphi Design Sprint”: Introducing a Novel Method for Design Science Research - Discussion about the use of Digital Twins in these scenarios: - Good potential for triangulation with field experts and AI people. - Good inspiration for future works in this area Ethical concerns: - GenAI hallucinations are not asuch aproblem for scenairo development compared to factual quesitons - Tranparency of AI involvement - Specific requirement and charactiristic of AI scneaqrio Crafting Future Scnarios with the Help of AI: Potentials of a Hybrid Delphi Expert Panel. HICSS Mind th eFuturee Gap: Introducting the FOD Framework for Future Oriented Design. HICSS

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