quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2024

Keynote by Carlos Ribas (Bosch) - The power of Information Systems shaping the future of the Automative Industry

He presented dan interesting tool called Bmlp associated with an operating system named TOM to automate smart factories. Read about it here: https://www.iotm2mcouncil.org/iot-library/news/connected-industries-news/bosch-commits-to-global-industrial-aiot/

He also discussed how Bosch inveted in Digital Twins to help having more prompt predictions of failures in their factories. Read about it here: https://www.bosch-connected-industry.com/de/en/iiot-insights/digital-twins

He talked about the role of AI in Manufacturing
Examples of use:
He also mentioned that none of this is important if tecnhology does not improve the life or work of people who work in the factories.
Digital twins can help simulate in the lab before the equipment is put in the plant. The other use is in real-time data acquisition. For example, when the equipment is put to test, at the same time, they can inspect data coming from the test and discover on the flight. And they will know that in a particular component, under specific conditions, they have errors. This is really helpful for them.

They treat data integration in these terms: from each sensor, data is sent to data repositories in specific format and also adding labels. This facilitates recover data from different apps, different systems. *It seems to me they treat this in the syntactic level.

I also found a link to an interesting data platform: https://www.bosch-connected-industry.com/de/en/portfolio/bosch-semantic-stack
I wonder if there are some more sophisticated semantic technologies in place, of which perhaps Carlos is not aware.

They can detect a problem in the process, not after the process is finished. That is why they feel so much in control. The faulty components are immediately rejected, removed from the process, suffer maintenance, and then go back to the process.
They are not currently investing in LLM because they do not feel the need. Sometimes the volume of data being too high, it does not help.

The people who used to work in the plant doing mechanical work are still there, and they are trained and "re-skilled". In the last years, the process of training has been very intensive. Sometimes, they are not learning new things very easily, but Bosch sees this is a mission. If they do not

People need to develop different competencies. In the future, in the recruitment process, new people need to come with a degree. Currently, many of them are low level engineers (now the work force is 40% of people have at least a degree). They need to gain knowledge about the new technologies. This is a must!

Alessandro Oltramani, an expert in logic-symbolic reasoning is the new leader of the Carnegie Bosch Institute: https://carnegiebosch.cmu.edu/

Giancarlo asked if this shows that such kind of approach is a current bet of Bosch. Carlos responded that is for sure.

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