Relations in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling
By Claudenir Fonseca, Daniele Porello, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Joao Paulo Almeida and Nicola Guarino
Intentional misusage of OntoUML contraints due to the non existence of some constructs in OntoUML mapping to UFO.
He started by the description of the UFO-A taxonomy, defining Endurants, Moments, Substantial, Relators, Instrinsic Moment, Quality, Mode and externally Dependent Mode.
He defined material and formal relations
Then, he moved into the OntoUML stereotypes
Stereotyped classes: Kind, Relator, Role etc.
Stereotyped associations: formal, material etc.
He explained some current limitations of OntoUML
In summary, the material relations are too restrictive while the formal relations are too permissive.
Beyond the limitations:
It is important to seek for the truthmakers:
- What makes a relation R to hold between x and y?
By Claudenir Fonseca, Daniele Porello, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Joao Paulo Almeida and Nicola Guarino
Intentional misusage of OntoUML contraints due to the non existence of some constructs in OntoUML mapping to UFO.
He started by the description of the UFO-A taxonomy, defining Endurants, Moments, Substantial, Relators, Instrinsic Moment, Quality, Mode and externally Dependent Mode.
He defined material and formal relations
Then, he moved into the OntoUML stereotypes
Stereotyped classes: Kind, Relator, Role etc.
Stereotyped associations: formal, material etc.
He explained some current limitations of OntoUML
In summary, the material relations are too restrictive while the formal relations are too permissive.
Beyond the limitations:
It is important to seek for the truthmakers:
- What makes a relation R to hold between x and y?
1) Revised taxonomy:
2) New OntoUML stereotypes
Comparative relations: <<comparative>>
Historical relations: <<historical>>
3) New formalization for these new stereotypes and the old ones (material, formal). These formalizations allow us to check the models and help fix them.
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