segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019

iStar@ER 2019 - Discussion

iStar Workshop Discussion Session

- Ethical Requirements: it is important to develop work on ethics, especially connected to AI systems.
- Coping with Uncertainties - we must deal in smarter ways with the uncertainties: fulfilling a goal a percentage of the way; also, having a way to make more flexible for which situations it is important to fulfil them in different degrees.

- i* was inspired on AI, which at the time had mostly to do with Planing: goals & plans. One important question is: is there another version of i* for the new kinds of AI systems, more tuned with Data.
- another important area that we should target is argumentation, and this is connected to the ethics, already mentioned by John. This needs to include Belief, which is already present at some dialects of i*
- we also need transparency to help explain the decisions and keep the systems ethical.

- i* 2.0 - there is a strong diversity regarding how we work, and this hampers the way we can interact, and develop tools. Today, we have seen many works that target clarification and unification of the different views. This is a problem we have not solved yet and I am affraid that we will go to i* 3.0 without actually finishing up i* 2.0.
- lack of empirical evidence. We must target this problem! We cannot be guided by gut feeling. We really need to be stronger in providing scientific evidence.

- In order to cope with the first topic raised by Xavi, se need a plan. After we released the i* 2.0 standard, the work on the standard stopped. We should get back to it with a set of well-defined steps. And perhaps, we should start small. I guess this is one of the messages of today's presentations here. If we are able to precisely define what a goal is and what actors are, we will be taking good steps towards providing a subset of usable concepts to i* users, and we will be able to relate and interoperate with other communities as well.

- I would like to undsrstand why we are not attracting so much users anymore. In the past, we had two-day workshops. Today, I was already happy that we had a full day one. I think we should provide resources to the users. The i* wiki seems not to be enough and we should provide ways for people to take what the i* community produces and use. Moreover, we must provide ways for people to understand what are the trends, before coming to the next i* workshop.

- I would like to know what kind of use it has been done in industry. Perhaps understanding how they use it will provide us with new input to make it better.

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