quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2024

FOIS'24 Session on Domain and Core Ontologies

OnNER: An Ontology for Semantic Representation of Named Entities in Scholarly Publications
Umayer Reza, Xuelian Zhang and Torsten Hahmann

What Named Entity Recognition is:
Competency Questions guiding this work:
The proposed graph:
How to query the graph:

The Common Core Ontologies
Mark Jensen, Giacomo De Colle, Sean Kindya, Cameron More, Alex Cox and John Beverley

- Created at CUBRC and UB as part of the IARPA Knowldge, Discovery and Dissemination Program (2010-2015)
- CCO was open sourced in 2017

What is CCO?
- CCO is comprised of 11 ontologies that jointly provide a mid-level architecture for resue and extension.
- CCO refers to a suite
- CCO is a referecne for representing common things to all domains
- It is appication agnostic.

What kind of concept is in CCO?
In 2023, they created a governance committee to take care of CCO. Their responsibility is to engage key stakeholders, improve logistics, improve visibility, transparency, access, supporting the creation of IEEE SA Open Standard for mid-level ontologies.
There is a UB NCOR CCO working group - johnbeve@buffalo.edu. Representing Energy in the Midlevel Energy Ontology (MENO)
Mirjam Stappel and Fabian Neuhaus

Bearers of energy
In MENO, energies are qualities. Material entities can be bearers of quality

What is energy?
MENO Ontology:
Interesting take aways:

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