quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2024

FOIS'24 Showcase

Extending the Common Greenhouse Ontology with Incident Reporting from Autonomous Systems
Tim Eichhorn, Ghusen Chalan, Simon van Roozendaal, Jens Reil, Tim van Ee, João Moreira and Tiago Prince Sales

Context of this research: TNO Farming Project Objectives
Main problem: Lack of uniformity in the terms regarding greenhouse production.
They decided to extend the Greenhouse Ontology to solve this problem.

There are two robots used in production that they use in this research (these systems need to collaborate):
Honest Agtest System
Ridder CoRanger

Problem Statement
Lack of semantics for robot instructions and actions
limited localization and nvaigation capability
inneficient communication and coordination
limited interoperability and collaboration between the greenshoues
need for an estension and or a software tool

Objectives of their research: Semantic Explanation and Navigation System

He briefly showed the content of the data sets of both robot systems, referring to their positions (althogh the CoRanger is less precise), and obstacles in the greenhouse map.

He showed the ontology they created by extending the Greenhouse Ontology.
TNO uses the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) and so the authors decided to adopt this format as well, so that it may facilitate a CGO-Robot extension, including other robots of interest of TNO in the future.

They only did a preliminary validation with data, but not really putting it to work in the robots. So they need to do further validations in the near future. Moreover, their research agenda also includes the CGO Robot extension.

A Domain Reference Ontology for Design Sicence Research Knowledge Bases
Jean Paul Sebastian Piest, Victor Benoiston, Jales de Oliveira, Patrício de Alencar Silva and Manoel Ricardo da Cunha Junior

Sebastian's Thesis Title: A Design Science Research Knowlege Base for Intelligence Amplification

Related Works: - (Gergor and Hevner) DSR KB Framework is an important related work for him.
Limitation: DSR KBs need to integrate different positions and perspective regarding ontology and epistemology.

- Gass et al. SLR on DSR KBS Contents

Limitation: No consensus regarding...
- Vom Brocke et al. 6 Modes for using Design Knowledge in DSR
Limitation: Most DSR projects focus on fitness for use and not on fitness for evolution.
Motivation: faciliate cumulative developmenf o design knowledge through a domain reference ontology on DSR KBs. A goal is to enable reuse.

They apply the SABIO Ont.Engineering Methodology for the development of the ontology. The ontology reuqirements specification document is included in the paper.

Coneptual models he created:
- Agent taxonomy and DSR projects: The Agent taxonomy and DSR is the basic model, composed of the core concepts on DSR.
- Types of Knoweldge: For the Types of Knowledge model, he used Gass's taxonomy. This model is important for enabling reuse of knowledge.
- Design theorizing: Gregory and Jones' work was used as basis for the Design theorizing model.
- Cases and applications: The last model is the simplest model but it is extandable.

He implemented and populated the ontology. Then, he tested if he was able to respond to the competency questions.

He has everything available on GitHub so it is all open for access.

He is now working on the validation of the developed conceptual models. Some validation studies have been completed and others are underway. He is also implementing an interactive KB to respond to queries about DSR. For future work, he wants also to target an interface to suport this.

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