quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2024

FOIS'24 Session: Ontological Analysis

Ontological Analysis of Money
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Stefano Borgo and Yoshinobu Kitamura

Using three basic theories obtained int he FOIS community: Representation, Physical objects and Roles
Agreed thesis - money is something possessing:
- unit of economic value,
- exchangeability with commodities and
- storability.

He tries to respond the U. Maki's 12 core questions about money inthis work

Take John Searle's thesis: Money is an institutional status that is imposed on physical objects.
There is a serios criticism about this view: it doesnt apply to digital numbers ian a bank account. They seem to be non-physical and mre records to cash.
FOIS theory 01:
FOIS theory 02:
FOIS theory 03:
Monetary role: solial role in the context of an economic systems and it is characterized by : unit, exchangeability relation, storability quality and trust of a community.
Legitimate representing thing: medium enriched with form, a content and an encoding method.
Monetary ojbect (Currency)
Money is a (non-intrinsic) property of the owner of monetary objects

His model is composed of three layers: 1) representation layer, 2) role layer and 3) property layer

Money as quantity: use value vs. exchange value.

Answers to Maki's core questions:

Ontological Analysis of Malfunctions: Some Formal Considerations
Francesco Compagno and Stefano Borgo
Malfunction: if you have a theory of causation, it makes it much easier to define malfunction.
Literature (Rasmussen and Jensen 1974)
Ontological view (Del Frate 2012):
- Function-based failure
- Specification-based failure
- Material-based failure

According to Del Frate:
- faults are often said to be state (events) that are caused by a faiure (bring about a fault);
- failure modes are often describe either as specific parts of a causal chain (consequence of a cause and cause of an effect) at a specific granularity level, or as symptoms immediately perceivable of a malfunction;
- causes are either immediate causes, when they are superficial/apparent, or root causes, when they are deep/definitive/true.

This work is based on the Toyoshima's causal otnology (Toyoshima, Mizoguchi, ,and Ikeda 2019). to buiild a formal taxonomy of malgfucntion-related happenings.
Important to consider:
Key points of this talk:
Unpacking the Semantics of Risk in Climate Change Discourses
Greta Adamo, Anna Sperotto, Mattia Fumagalli, Alessandro Mosca, Tiago Prince Sales and Giancarlo Guizzardi

Motivation: Climate change is happening now. This impact human safety and health, besides the ecosystem. There is lack of knowledge in this area, specifically related to climate-related changes and extreme events.
There is a lot of impact of climate change and the extreme events affect the world in an uneven way. The scenario is very complex

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Problems in the IPCC glossary (definitions of riks and related concepts, such as hazard, explosure and vulnerability):
- common sense form
- unclear semantics and ambiguous communication
- chanigng through years
- innefective for operational purpose (too theory-based)
Objective of the work: ontological clarification.
For that, this work adopts COVER - Common Ontology of Value and Risk.
She explained the main concepts in COVER. Definition
Ontological unpacking:
- hazard (i.e., a threat event) is a natural anthropogenic event that is likely to cause a loss event.
- exposure is a situation in which objects at risk valuable to agents might be negatively affected by the occruene of hazards
- vulnerability is a disposition whose manifestation constitutes a threat event or loss event. It may inhere in objects at risk or risk enablers.
Ontological unpacking (cont.):
- She defined impact according to COVER/UFO (read definition in the paper).

- Value in IPCC is both a (UFO) belief and a (COVER) value.
Ontological unpacking (cont.2):
Conclusions and Future Work:
- extending the analysis, for example by considering dynamic interactions of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability under a risk progpagation lens.
- sharpening shcallenging notions, such as vulnerabiltiy and value;
- considering and comparing related notions, as resilience
- extension of cover for limate change risk
- modeling climaget change risk with stakeholders.

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